Tuesday, November 25, 2014

thanksgiving dinner

oh hi there! do you see that bird? yeup. that's right. in today's post, r8 bakes a turkey! what are you about to see is a flood of pictures because it's late and really i don't have to explain. it's thanksgiving. there's food. there's people. there's fellowship. but most importantly, there's food. jk. be grateful guys. for everything. okay lessgo.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

flatbread pizzas

in the baking sphere this past week, r8 bakes diverged a little from its regular schedule & tested new waters by making.... [drum rolls please]... PIZZA! a big shoutout & thanks to the lins for hosting twenty something ravenous college students. no easy feat! we love you guys!

LOOK AT THIS SPREAD. we had basil, spinach, meat (two types of chicken, beef, & pepperoni), peppers, olives, mozzarella, broccoli, mushrooms, pineapples, assorted condiments and kale salad (not pictured). THANKS COSTCO. #pleasesponsorus #butactuallytho

also another shoutout to JLee for taking these photos! she had to get all the details of the pizza, so they're kinda jalapeƱo face.

Monday, November 3, 2014

[pumpkin] coffee cake

in the baking sphere this week, m & i made a scrumptious coffee cake!

the autumnal trio strikes again. finally after four weeks, we have finished this can of pumpkin puree. farewell pumpkin puree, you have served our bellies well.

i would write more but after whining about my practical all day, i have run out of words to say. halfway through typing this post, i turned to m and asked if she wanted to take over. the answer was no. so sorry guys, you're stuck with me. so pics. here. you know that's what you came for anyway.